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Tidal Wave: SoCal Surfing with Christian Surfers

Nature’s Playbook is all about finding ways to connect in nature, with a community of other nature enthusiasts. One of the barriers that we have found when starting a new sport or activity is having someone to learn from, in an affordable learning environment where one could learn from others without worrying about upsetting incumbent outdoor recreators.

Thankfully, there are plenty of organizations and groups to connect with to help you learn while making new friends! Our friends at Christian Surfers are one group in SoCal that embraces diversity, newbies, and the love of the outdoors.

Christian Surfers

CS is a nonprofit that actually has groups all around the world, so if you are not in SoCal, you may be able to find them near your hometown! They hold surf meetups every week to catch some waves, hang on the beach, and meet new people.

If you are looking for some chill vibes with others who love Jesus, this is your crew. One thing that really stands out is that they are not exclusive, so even if you don’t call yourself a Christian, you can connect with this community all the same to vibe over the love of nature.

Every Saturday morning the CS crew meets at Tamarack State Beach in Carlsbad, CA.

Check out this post by NP member Nina, for more details and get an idea of the experience!


Surf Slang

If you’re gonna meet up to ride the waves, you might as well learn to talk the talk. 🤷‍♀️ Here are some common surfing terms to get you started!

Barrel: the tube; the curl of the wave

Pitted: tubed; barreled

Grommet/Grom: young surfer

Groundswell: a swell that traveled thousands of miles through the ocean, with a period of 15 seconds or more

Check out dozens more here. 🤙

Vibe Tribe Spotlight

Meet Marco! A friendly face at CS meetups, Marco shares his love of surf with locals to San Diego and around the world.

Follow @marcointhecurl on Nature’s Playbook for epic beach spots and to hear about his recent trip to Mexico, where there were “olas perfectas”!

Share Your Story With Us!

Whether you are new to surfing or you are an expert, we would love to hear your experience. What is something you recommend to other new surfers? Where would you recommend finding a community to learn with? What sort of etiquette do you recommend when doing this activity?

Comment, email us, or share your experience on the Nature's Playbook app! We would be stoked to hear from you. Happy surfing!


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